Learning AdWords – Free Courses Vs. Paid Courses

Thinking of learning AdWords? When a beginner opens up the AdWords platform, they are instantly confused and overwhelmed with the wealth of menus and features.  It can be even more difficult when a person is asked to master it.  When this information overload happens, it is a great idea to seek counseling, information, or some sort of guideline in order to get started.  This is when the huge problem comes in – is it better to save money and choose a free course, or spend a little extra with a paid course?

Learning AdWords: Benefits of Free Courses

Besides the most obvious money savings benefit to a free course, there are others things that you may not have thought about with free courses:

  • Many marketers fill up their free courses with valuable information so that they can seem like an expert in their field. The most successful marketers are looking to give you the most valuable information in order to entice you to purchase their product or service.  This approach works because it’s extremely unselfish and makes the reader obligated to buy something. However, a lot of “chatter” can happen in these communities.
  • Many free courses with AdWords will give you a complete tutorial on how to get started with AdWords. The reasoning is this:  They know that their audience consists mainly of people who are just getting started and do not know where to search.  Therefore, to plant a seed and become a long-term expert, they are going to simplify the process and make the information easy to digest so they can be a permanent authority in your eyes. Most of these courses show you features, but are not specific to your company

Here is a FREE PPC course from Google Adwords.

Learning AdWords: Benefits of Paid Courses

There are numerous benefits to paid courses, and in the end, if a user is looking for a better experience, this is probably the way to go.

  • Paid AdWords courses, especially the highest quality ones, have a steady income stream, and therefore, the information is going to be updated regularly – assuming the producer of the content is passionate about providing high quality.
  • There is a higher chance that the paid course, if it is a membership, will have an entire support community dedicated to learning and ultimately having success with AdWords. This is important because in order to achieve results, there has to be an element of collaboration. They are more customized to meet your company’s needs instead of showing your where to point your mouse.
  • Paid courses are simply the highest of quality. When a course is very profitable, it gets more funding, more referrals, and a greater amount of user feedback.  For this reason, they are able to improve their product far better than the average joe marketer who’s giving away information for free.

Look at Market Motive’s PPC Courses.

Therefore, in the end, you are getting the most if you decide to pay for a high value course.  If you succeed at AdWords, the money will pay for itself many times over!