Thrive Leads Review – We Are Customers (Plus 1 Solid Alternative)

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We are PROUD customers of Thrive Leads. We have used it to increase newsletter signups for our Drip email marketing automation campaigns. Here’s why this blog post is important. (or whatever marketing automation software you’re using) does great with their platform, but the moment you embed their widget into your site, you’ll see limitations. For instance, on our blog, I want to serve a popup lightbox on the Facebook Ads category and a different one to serve on the Web Hosting category. You can’t do that, and many other things, with Drip’s forms. In comes Thrive Leads. I’m not going list all the “features”. You can just go to their website and look at features. I’m here to tell you how these features have helped us and our clients build email lists fairly fast. Also, at the end of the blog post, I put a checklist of the things we looked for in a lead form.

Thrive Leads Benefits – When to Use Them

9 Types of Thrive Leads Forms to Build Your List

The Thrive Leads Group has a total of 9 forms: In Content, Lightbox, Post Footer, Ribbon, Screen Filler, Scroll Mat, Slide In, Widget, and php insert form (not shown in the image). In my opinion, the one that says Widget should say Sidebar.

We use these 3 on our website: Lightbox, 2-Step Opt-In Form, and In Line (in the footer)

Depending on your website, you may want to look into these forms as well. On our site, we do not use “Slide In” because it gets in the way of our Live Chat form. Widget Sidebar is also another one that we may use on certain blog posts. We don’t use sticky ribbon because it can block the menu or phone number.

We don’t use any of the forms below. I think it’s obtrusive. It may work for your site though so give it some consideration.

We use a lightbox. Most people are familiar with these lightbox popups. This is what mine looks like. It triggers on the Facebook category and it’s the #1 way we gather emails for our newsletter.

Each form can have it’s own set of trigger rules, i.e. when you want the lead form to render on the page.

I have my lightboxes trigger at 40% of the page and upon exit. Don’t ANNOY your visitors by showing your form “on page load”; Freaking annoying.
I have specific lightboxes trigger on specific categories. For instance, my FB Traffic Guide lightbox only triggers on the Facebook Ads category while the Web Hosting category has its own lightbox render on its pages. You can also choose to have a Thrive Leads form show for a specific blog post or page. See the image below showing the settings of the display logic.


If you can’t find your company here on the list, time to switch! We use Drip, but any of these companies will work.

Added Benefits of Thrive Themes (the maker of Thrive Lead).

Originally I was only looking for a newsletter lightbox form for, but I noticed that Thrive Themes offered a few other things that I needed to increase conversions. I’ll give brief descriptions below. This is important if you’re a marketer or blogger.

Thrive Architect
Thrive Architect is a page builder like LeadPages, ClickFunnels, Instapage, etc. We chose to end our paid subscription at LeadPages and get the membership at Thrive Themes (the parent company).

Thrive Content Builder

Thrive Ultimatum
This is a ‘Count Down’ timer which helps build a sense of urgency by providing “Limited Time Offers”. You gotta see the video on this.

Ultimatum Sales Page

Thrive Quiz Builder
We want our audience to interact more with our blog posts. A quiz is a perfect way to get audience participation.

Thrive Quiz Builder

Thrive Comments
We use Thrive Comments on our blog posts because it’s much better than the standard WordPress comments. We originally used Facebook Comments, but it slowed down our site and now Thrive Comments is our choice.

Thrive Leads Alternative!

The ONLY company that can compare to Thrive Leads is OptinMonster.

Check our Thrive Leads special pricing through our partner link

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