Facebook Ads Marketing for Reverse Mortgage Companies

Looking to boost your business through online advertising? Unsure if Facebook Advertising is the right choice for your reverse mortgage company?

At Planet Marketing, we specialize in helping finance companies reach their goals using the world’s largest social networking site.

By the end of this article, you’ll understand why Facebook Ads are crucial for reverse mortgage companies and how you can create successful ads on your own.

Why Reverse Mortgage Companies Should Advertise on Facebook

With millions of baby boomers retiring, reverse mortgages are in the spotlight. Here are four compelling reasons why reverse mortgage companies should consider Facebook advertising:

1. Reach a Massive Audience

Facebook has over 3.0 billion monthly active users. This vast user base means your target audience is likely using the platform.

2. Create Ads Yourself

While we offer a comprehensive Facebook Ads Setup Plan for those who prefer professional assistance, creating your own Facebook Ads is entirely doable with a bit of guidance.

3. Cost-Effective Advertising

Facebook Ads are generally more affordable than Google Ads. You can start your campaigns with a budget as low as $10.

4. Precise Audience Targeting

Facebook’s detailed targeting options allow you to define your audience with precision, leading to higher click-through rates (CTR).

How to Create Your Own Facebook Ads

Creating Facebook Ads involves several steps, all managed through Facebook’s Ads Manager.

Here’s a breakdown:

Step 1: Choose a Campaign Objective

Your campaign objective defines what you hope to achieve with your ads. Possible objectives include:

  • Brand awareness
  • Traffic
  • Engagement
  • App installs
  • Video views
  • Lead generation
  • Store visits
  • Conversions
  • Product catalog sales

Step 2: Create an Ad Account

Setting up an Ad Account is straightforward. Once completed, click “Continue” to move to the next step.

Step 3: Define Your Target Audience (Ad Set)

This step is crucial as it determines who sees your ads. You can target your audience based on:


Specify the geographic area where your ads will be shown. For example, if your reverse mortgage company operates in Santa Cruz, California, you might target a 25-mile radius around the city.

Age, Gender, and Languages

Target demographics relevant to reverse mortgages, such as individuals aged 62 and older, both men and women, and any specific languages they might speak.

Interests and Behaviors

Narrow down your audience by including or excluding people based on their interests and behaviors. For instance, you might target those interested in reverse mortgages and home equity lines of credit.

Step 4: Budget and Schedule

Set your daily budget and schedule for your ads. Start with a modest budget and adjust as needed to optimize results.

Step 5: Create the Ad

Now, create the ad itself. Facebook offers several formats, including:

  • Carousel
  • Single Image
  • Single Video
  • Slideshow
  • Collection

The Ad Preview section allows you to see how your ad will appear to your target audience and make any necessary adjustments.

The Facebook Ads Setup Plan

Creating effective Facebook Ads can be complex. That’s why we offer the Facebook Ads Setup Plan, which includes:

  • Assistance with ad account setup
  • Help defining your target audience
  • A professional landing page designed to drive conversions
  • Two live ads for your business

Ready to elevate your reverse mortgage company with Facebook Ads? Get started with Facebook Ads today with Planet Marketing and watch your business grow!


Facebook Ads are a powerful tool for reaching your target audience and driving business success.

With the right strategy and a bit of effort, you can create impactful ads that generate leads and conversions for your reverse mortgage company.

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