Facebook Ads for Estate Planning Attorneys

Are you an estate planning attorney looking to dominate the digital landscape? Curious if Facebook Ads can help you reach your target audience? Welcome to Planet Marketing’s ultimate guide on leveraging Facebook Ads for your legal practice.

Here, we’ll break down the process and show you how to effectively market your services to potential clients.

Should Estate Planning Attorneys Advertise on Facebook?

Reaching the Right Audience

Contrary to popular belief, Facebook isn’t just for teens and young adults. In fact, usage among people over 55 is surging, making it a prime platform for estate planning attorneys. With over 3.0 billion users, Facebook provides a vast pool of potential clients who could benefit from your services.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Advertising on Facebook is more affordable than many other platforms, including Google Ads. You can start your campaign with just a small budget and scale up as you see results.

How to Create Effective Facebook Ads

Step 1: Choose a Campaign Objective

The first step in creating Facebook ads is selecting a campaign objective in Ads Manager. Here are some objectives that could work for estate planning attorneys:

  • Brand Awareness: Increase your practice’s visibility.
  • Traffic: Drive potential clients to your website.
  • Lead Generation: Collect contact information from interested individuals.
  • Messages: Encourage potential clients to send you inquiries directly.

For example, if you want clients to contact you directly, “Messages” would be a suitable objective.

Step 2: Define Your Target Audience

Targeting the right audience is crucial. Here’s how to set up your audience:


If your practice is based in a specific location, target that area. For instance, if you’re located in Eureka, California, focus your ads on this region to attract local clients.


Specify age, gender, and language to refine your audience. For estate planning, targeting individuals aged 55 and above is a good strategy.

Detailed Targeting

Use Facebook’s detailed targeting to narrow your audience further. Target demographics, interests, and behaviors relevant to estate planning, such as:

  • Interest in estate planning and retirement planning
  • Engagement with relevant content or organizations like the American Cancer Society

Step 3: Create the Ad

With your audience set, it’s time to create your ad. Facebook offers several formats, including single images, videos, carousels, and slideshows. For estate planning services, high-quality images or informative videos can be particularly effective.

  • Images: Use professional photos that convey trust and expertise.
  • Videos: Create short, informative clips explaining the importance of estate planning.

Remember, you only have a few seconds to capture your audience’s attention, so make your visuals count!

Step 4: Setting Up Messenger

If you choose “Messages” as your objective, set up Facebook Messenger to facilitate easy communication with potential clients. You can customize a welcome message and provide quick reply options, guiding users towards booking a consultation or visiting your website.

The Facebook Ads Setup Plan

Creating professional Facebook ads can be complex, but Planet Marketing offers an amazing Facebook Ads Setup Plan to help you get started. Our service includes:

  • Selection of campaign objectives
  • Setting up ad accounts
  • Defining target audiences
  • Creation of two live ads

Ready to elevate your estate planning practice with Facebook Ads? Let Planet Marketing guide you to success.

By leveraging the power of Facebook Ads, you can attract more clients and establish your practice as a leader in estate planning. Happy advertising!

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