Facebook Ads Marketing for Divorce Attorneys

Are you aiming to become the leading divorce attorney in your area? Wondering if Facebook advertising is your ticket to the top? Welcome to the place where answers and solutions meet. At Planet Marketing, we’re here to guide you through the process.

Ready to take your practice to the next level? Let’s dive in.

Should Divorce Attorneys Advertise on Facebook?

Absolutely! Facebook advertising offers a wealth of opportunities for divorce attorneys to build their brand and reach potential clients. Here’s why:

  • Wide Audience: With over 3.0 billion active users, Facebook is a vast platform where you can connect with a diverse audience.
  • Targeted Advertising: Facebook provides tools to create highly relevant ads, enhancing the chances of campaign success.
  • Cost-Effective: Advertising on Facebook is often cheaper than other platforms, such as Google Ads.
  • DIY Potential: With a bit of perseverance, anyone can create effective ads on Facebook. For those eager to learn, our DIY Facebook Ads Marketing course is a great resource.

How to Create Your Own Facebook Ads

Creating Facebook ads may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Follow these steps to get started:

Choosing a Campaign Objective

First, choose a campaign objective that aligns with your goals. Here are some options:

  • Brand Awareness: Perfect for building recognition.
  • Traffic: Directs potential clients to your landing page.
  • Video Views: Ideal if you have a compelling video showcasing your expertise.
  • Messages: Encourages people to contact you via Facebook Messenger.

Creating an Ad Account

Set up your ad account to get started. This is a straightforward process that allows you to manage your ads and grant access to others if needed.

Defining Your Target Audience

In the Ad Set section, define your target audience using the following criteria:

  • Location: Choose the geographic area where you want your ads to appear. For example, if you’re a divorce attorney in Santa Monica, California, set your location accordingly.
  • Detailed Targeting: Narrow down your audience to those most likely to need your services. Target people with statuses like “Separated” or “Divorced” and exclude those who are newly engaged or married.

Creating Your Ad

Your ad’s visual appeal is crucial. Spend time crafting an eye-catching ad using the following formats:

  • Carousel
  • Collection
  • Slideshow
  • Single Video
  • Single Image

Preview your ad to ensure it looks perfect before launching.

Final Touches

Click the “Confirm” button to finalize your ad. If you’ve added a payment method, your ad will be launched across Facebook’s advertising network.

The DIY Facebook Ads Marketing Course

Feeling overwhelmed? Planet Marketing is here to help. Our DIY Facebook Ads Marketing course provides in-depth tutorials on creating successful Facebook ads. If you prefer a professional touch, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We specialize in creating effective ads that deliver results for your business.


Unlock the full potential of your divorce attorney practice with Facebook advertising. For more guidance and to start crafting your perfect ads, visit our Social Ads Marketing Company. At Planet Marketing, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve success.

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