Facebook Ad in Review for Days: What Does It Mean?

Have you ever experienced the frustration of your Facebook ad being stuck in review for days? It’s a common issue that can leave many marketers scratching their heads.

Here at Planet Marketing, we’re dedicated to helping you navigate these digital hurdles and ensure your ads get the green light. Let’s dive into the process, understand why ads get rejected, and explore ways to speed things up.

The Facebook Ads Process

Most people assume that once they hit the Publish button, their Facebook ads go live instantly. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Knowing the Facebook ad review process is crucial to avoiding delays and getting your ads up and running smoothly.

Creating Your Ad

The journey starts with creating your ad. This involves several steps:

  1. Choosing a Campaign Objective: You can select from 11 objectives, such as Brand Awareness, Conversions, or Lead Generation. Your choice reflects what you want to achieve with your ad.
  2. Setting Up Your Ad Set: Define your target audience, budget, and schedule. Precision here is key to your ad’s success. Know your audience’s demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  3. Creating and Publishing Your Ad: This is the final step before your ad enters the review phase. Whether it’s a video, single image, or carousel ad, make sure it’s engaging and aligns with your campaign objective.

Facebook Reviews Your Ad

Once you submit your ad, it undergoes a review process, which can be either automated or manual.

  • Automated Reviews: Most ads are initially reviewed by Facebook’s automated system. Given the volume of ads, this is the only feasible approach.
  • Manual Reviews: A team at Facebook manually reviews some ads to ensure they comply with policies.

What Gets Reviewed?

Facebook doesn’t just review the ad content; it also scrutinizes your landing page to ensure compliance with their policies. Make sure both your ad and landing page meet Facebook’s guidelines to avoid delays.

How Long Does It Take?

Typically, Facebook aims to review ads within 24 hours. However, some ads may take longer. If your ad hasn’t been approved after 48 hours, it’s time to take action.

Common Reasons for Facebook Ad Rejections

Understanding why Facebook might reject an ad can help you avoid common pitfalls. Here are some reasons your ad might not make the cut:

Too Much Text in Your Image

Facebook prefers visuals over text. Ensure your image text is less than 20% to avoid rejection.

Age-Restricted Products

If you’re advertising products like alcohol or tobacco, be extra cautious. These ads have stringent guidelines and must comply with Facebook’s policies.

Mentioning Facebook Incorrectly

Facebook has strict rules on how you can mention their brand. You can’t alter the logo or use a lowercase “f.” Adhering to these guidelines is crucial for approval.

What Can You Do to Speed Things Up?

If your Facebook ad is stuck in review, don’t panic. There are several strategies you can use to expedite the process:

Create Your Campaigns Early

Avoid last-minute ad creations. Give yourself a few days before your event to ensure everything runs smoothly. You can always pause the ad if it gets approved early.

Chat Live with Facebook

Yes, Facebook offers live support! Navigate to the “STILL NEED HELP? Find answers or contact support” section on their help page and start a chat for real-time assistance.

Fill Out the Ad Pending Review Form

If your ad has been in review for more than 24 hours, fill out the “Ads Pending Review for More than 24 Hours” form. You’ll need details like your Ad ID and case number.

Avoid Editing Your Ad During Review

Making edits while your ad is under review restarts the process. Unless absolutely necessary, avoid changes to prevent further delays.

Ensure Compliance with Facebook’s Ads Policies

Familiarize yourself with Facebook’s advertising policies. Understanding and complying with these rules can prevent rejections and delays.

Wait for 24 Hours

Patience is a virtue. Facebook typically takes up to 24 hours to review an ad. Resist the urge to make changes during this period, as it resets the review clock.


If your Facebook ad is stuck in review, understanding the process and reasons for rejection can help you take the right steps to get it approved. Most ads are reviewed within 24 hours, but if you face delays, try the strategies mentioned above.

For expert assistance, feel free to reach out to Planet Marketing. We’re here to help you get your Facebook ads approved quickly and efficiently.

Learn more about how we can help you with your social ads.

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