3 Things to Never do on Facebook

When it comes to social media tools, Facebook is a heavyweight champion. Used wisely, it can supercharge your online marketing and bring you closer to your audience.

However, a few missteps could turn your social media success into a cautionary tale. To help you navigate the Facebook jungle with finesse, here are three crucial things you should never do on the platform.

Don’t Post Without Thinking It Through

We’ve all seen those posts from friends that make us wonder, “Did they really just share that?” Whether it’s an update about what they had for lunch or an impromptu rant, these posts can make us question their judgment.

When it comes to your business page, you need to be even more discerning. Before hitting that “Post” button, pause and consider the content carefully.

Is the information you’re sharing relevant and valuable to your audience? Did you verify the source to ensure its credibility?

Posting unverified information or contentious content can tarnish your brand’s reputation faster than you can say “Oops!” Make sure every post adds value and maintains your business’s integrity.

Don’t Post Without Proofreading and Spell Checking

We get it—typing shortcuts and emojis are tempting. After all, who doesn’t love a good “LOL” or “u” instead of “you”? However, when it comes to your business page, professionalism should be your top priority.

Sloppy spelling and grammar can give a poor impression of your brand, making it seem less credible and less trustworthy.

Take a moment to proofread your posts and use proper punctuation. Read your content out loud before publishing to catch any errors or awkward phrasing.

A little extra effort here can save you from potential embarrassment and show your audience that you take your business seriously.

Don’t Go for The Hard Sell Every Time

We’ve all experienced the relentless, overzealous salesperson who seems to think their product is the cure for everything.

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by constant sales pitches on social media, you know how annoying it can be. Don’t let your Facebook page become that person.

While it’s important to showcase your expertise and share valuable information, balance it with engaging and interactive content. Instead of pushing your products or services with every post, create conversations with your followers.

Ask for their opinions, run polls, and encourage feedback. This approach will not only keep your audience interested but also help build a genuine connection with them.


At Planet Marketing, we specialize in social media management and can help you avoid these pitfalls. For more tips on optimizing your online presence and ensuring your Facebook strategy is on point, check out our services here. Don’t let your social media efforts go awry—let us guide you towards Facebook success!

By steering clear of these common mistakes, you can turn your Facebook presence from mundane to magnificent. Click the button below to get you started!

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