Wholesale Home Improvement Products: Website Review to Increase Conversions

Here is a site audit for Wholesale Home Improvement Products, a Shopper Approved customer, to evaluate how to boost increase conversions and build trust among customers utilizing Shopper Approved merchant and product reviews. This company specializes in the sale of home improvement products like plumbing, lighting, electrical and safety fixtures, as well as alarms, monitors and smart watches.

Prior to Landing on the Site

I decided to do a product search for the Garmin Fenix 3 watch. This is what came up:

Notice the 5-star rating in bright red/orange. Of course, it’s only from one rating, but hey – even one rating is better than no rating. With Shopper Approved, you can get even more ratings, consistently and reliably, to add to your overall ratings score. Clicking on the product page yields an actual review like this:

Shoppers crave product reviews – particularly when shelling out $400 for a smart watch – to show them what people liked and didn’t like about the product. Showing your customers a high star rating right off the bat when they do a search for your products immediately puts them at ease. This particular product has a great star rating – even if it is only one. Doesn’t matter – you’ll get more reviews later with Shopper Approved. But the basic premise stands: imbed your credibility and trustworthiness right away so as to grab your customers’ attention. You can’t risk losing them to the next company on the Google search list.

Wholesale Home Improvement is using Shopify, an ecommerce platform. What’s hard about getting product reviews for Shopify is the customer has to come back to the website, find the product page, and leave the review. With Shopper Approved, it’s part of the survey. You can see the setup here:

And that’s a great way Wholesale Home Improvement Products can get many reviews.

5-Star Ratings and reviews can help you not only attract more customers, but elevate your overall sales, increase average transaction amounts, improve customer satisfaction and lower product return rates. With tools from Shopper Approved, you can quickly and easily collect, format, and display your reviews where it matters most. In fact, you can use the Hand-Picked Reviews feature to develop a constantly-growing list of your best reviews to display on certificates and widgets.

If you’re looking for additional ways to build bonds with your potential customers before they even make it to your site, Shopper Approved offers About Us Content & Text Links. These allow you to add a special anchor text link to boost your click-through rate while building external links.

Also, if you’re tired of spending too much money with Adwords CPC, remember that Shopper Approved’s Product Reviews ratings show up in Google, Bing, and Yahoo organic, as well as Google Shopping for max impact.

On the Site

Clicking on the Garmin Fenix 3 product page yields extensive information about this product – maybe a little too much dense information if you want to get picky. This could be condensed visually to bullet points so the reader doesn’t have to continually scroll down. But I digress. Assuming the customer wants to buy the watch, they will click Add to Cart and check out.

First glaring thing that is missing here is some kind of security seal that instills confidence in your consumer who’s about to plunk down 400 bucks on a watch. Seals such as those from Trust Guard can build instant trust and credibility, especially at this precarious part of the transaction. Just think about what you like to see when you visit a website and are contemplating a big purchase: do you look for a trust seal or badge to show you that you can trust the site? I do. It has to be prominently displayed, too, or else what good is it?

Trust Guard seals not only improve your credibility; they also build customer trust, and increase conversions and sales. Use Trust Guard as an alternative to similar sites like McAfee Secure, Scan Verify, Symantec, TRUSTe and BBB Online. With Trust Guard, you can:

  • Protect your visitors’ identities
  • Secure your website and increase sales/conversions
  • Build trust in your business

Back to placement…put your Trust Guard seal on your home pages as well as the individual product pages, along with your BBB A+ rating seal if you have one. The best place to put such a seal would be at the point of purchase here:

While it’s great that you give your customers diverse payment options, such as with PayPal and Google, you don’t have anything here that allays customers’ fears about identity theft.

Shopper Approved is owned by Trust Guard. Check out our partner page if you would like a discount on badges: https://www.trust-guard.com/planetmarketing/?id=97. The use of Security Scanning Seals, Privacy Seals, & Verified Business Seals is crucial for ecommerce companies who want to grow their customer base and loyalty.

Avoiding a security breach should be at the forefront of your mind. If this happened, you could face millions in fines and legal fees, quickly destroying the reputation you took so long to build. Looking for another way to build customer loyalty? Try 4x Buyer Protection, owned by Trust Guard, to put your clients’ minds at ease with:

  • Shipping Insurance
  • Price Match Guarantee
  • Terms of Service Guarantee
  • Identity Theft Protection

The 4xBuyerProtection will pay out any differences when price matching. In this case, if a customer of Wholesale Home Improvement places an order, then finds a cheaper price later, 4xBuyerProtection.com pays the difference, not Wholesale Home Improvement.

As a Shopper Approved customer, why not let us audit your site to give you suggestions on how to improve it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, then check out my partner site at https://5stars.shopperapproved.com/planetmarketing/ to get an exclusive offer from Planet Marketing.

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