What to Look For in a Reputation Management Company

Reputation management is a critical task that every business owner should prioritize from day one. Many new business owners mistakenly overlook this aspect, thinking that a few negative reviews on platforms like Yelp or Google Business Profile won’t impact their brand.

However, the reality is quite different. Your business’s success hinges on your ability to attract and showcase positive feedback where potential customers can easily see it.

Reputation Management Companies

With countless reputation management companies available, each promising a pristine online and offline profile, it can be challenging to determine which one truly delivers. To find the best fit for your needs, consider the following:

  • Proven Track Record: Look for companies with a history of successfully managing and improving their clients’ reputations.
  • Comprehensive Services: Ensure they offer a range of services, including review monitoring, crisis management, and content creation.
  • Transparency: Choose a company that is transparent about their methods and provides regular updates on their progress.
  • Client Reviews and Testimonials: Research what other businesses have experienced with the company.

Word of Mouth

Think this is an overstatement? Consider that approximately 13% of all sales across various sectors are driven by word-of-mouth. This is similar to how you might be inspired to purchase a product after visiting a friend or family member. 

In fact, around 85% of all small businesses get customers through Word-of-Mouth!  This underscores the importance of creating a positive impression that encourages people to recommend your business to others.

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

We’ve touched on platforms like Google Business Profile and Yelp, which represent the digital evolution of the word-of-mouth phenomenon. Nowadays, rather than seeking advice from friends or family before making a purchase, people often turn to online review sites to guide their decisions. This shift highlights the critical importance of Online Reputation Management (ORM) in today’s business landscape.

Nature of Online Reputation Management

Online reputation management (ORM) encompasses various approaches and services tailored to meet different needs. Here are some options to consider:

  • SEO Companies: Many reputation management firms are actually SEO specialists. While they excel at improving your website’s search engine ranking, they may not be as effective in managing your overall online reputation. Their primary focus is often on optimizing content rather than addressing specific reputation issues.
  • Review Companies: Companies like Shopper Approved are excellent for managing and collecting customer reviews, making them a great choice for local businesses. However, they may fall short in handling more complex reputation management tasks such as removing or suppressing negative press.
  • Dedicated Reputation Management Companies: These firms are designed specifically for comprehensive reputation management. They offer services aimed at improving and protecting your online profile. However, they can be quite expensive, often charging between $2,000 and $5,000 per month. Additionally, many rely on automated systems, which may not always provide a personalized approach.
  • PR Firms: Public Relations firms can be a viable option for reputation management. They can either be in-house or hired externally. PR firms are skilled in managing public perception and handling media relations, which can be valuable for shaping your brand’s image.

Choosing the right ORM approach depends on your specific needs, budget, and the scope of reputation management required.

How to Choose a Reputation Management Company

1. Price

Price is a significant factor in choosing a reputation management company. For large corporations with substantial budgets, spending thousands of dollars per month on reputation management may be feasible. However, small to medium-sized businesses often need to be more budget-conscious.

Fortunately, there are cost-effective solutions available that can enhance your online image without breaking the bank. For instance, using online review companies like Shopper Approved can provide substantial value at a fraction of the cost of high-end reputation management firms.

2. Review Syndication

In today’s digital landscape, customers may not take the time to read every review about a product or service. Instead, they rely on quick, visible ratings to gauge a business’s reputation. Search engines like Google address this need with a five-star review system that offers potential buyers a snapshot of customer interactions.

This rating system, as we mention in this article, can either be product or merchant based. It is based on data that is collected from a number of sources, including review Syndication Sites.

3. Track Record

When selecting a reputation management company, evaluating its track record is essential. Some firms have garnered negative attention for questionable practices, such as deleting positive reviews once their business relationship with a client ends.

To avoid such pitfalls, thoroughly investigate the company’s history and client feedback. Choose a firm known for ethical practices and a proven track record of successfully managing and enhancing online reputations.

4. Comprehensive Coverage

It’s crucial to choose a reputation management solution that provides comprehensive coverage. Managing your online presence across various platforms can become complex if handled by multiple providers—one for product reviews, another for merchant reviews, and yet another for local reviews.

Shopper Approved simplifies this process by integrating all these critical aspects into a single platform. This unified approach streamlines reputation management, making it easier to maintain a consistent and positive online profile.

Shopper Approved

Of all the online review syndication companies that are out there, the best known is, without doubt, Shopper Approved. The great thing about this company is that it pretty much has all angles covered as far as giving your business a positive online profile is concerned.

Shopper Approved excels in collecting and disseminating local reviews, making it particularly valuable for businesses with a localized presence. For example, if you operate a restaurant, local reviews are critical as your customer base is geographically concentrated. Proper management of these reviews can significantly impact your business’s success. Shopper Approves deals with the following types of reviews:

  • Local Reviews
  • Product Reviews
  • Merchant Reviews

Local Reviews

Shopper Approved excels in managing local reviews, making it an ideal choice for businesses with a localized presence. By efficiently collecting and syndicating local feedback, Shopper Approved ensures that your business’s reputation is prominently featured where your nearby customers can see it.

This targeted approach helps you attract and retain local clientele by showcasing positive reviews from your immediate community.

Product Reviews

For businesses looking to enhance their product reputation, Shopper Approved offers robust solutions for collecting and showcasing product reviews.

By aggregating customer feedback on your products, Shopper Approved ensures that potential buyers have access to detailed and positive reviews. This visibility can significantly boost your product’s appeal and credibility, driving higher engagement and sales.

Merchant Reviews

Shopper Approved provides comprehensive management of merchant reviews, helping businesses build a strong reputation through customer feedback. By consolidating and syndicating merchant reviews across multiple platforms, Shopper Approved enhances your overall online image.

This service ensures that your business receives well-deserved recognition and positive ratings, fostering trust and encouraging new customers to engage with your brand.

Shopper Approved’s Price

Shopper Approved offers an affordable solution for syndicating local, product, and merchant reviews across multiple platforms, including Google, YouTube, and Facebook. It is notably less expensive compared to other services, which can charge thousands for similar features.

At Planet Marketing, we have negotiated a discount for people who use our link.  Additionally, you’ll receive 30 days free with this offer. This makes Shopper Approved a cost-effective choice for businesses seeking comprehensive review management.


Choosing the right reputation management company is pivotal for maintaining and enhancing your online presence. By focusing on key factors such as price, track record, and comprehensive service coverage, you can find a solution that aligns with your needs and budget.

A company with a proven track record and the ability to consolidate all aspects of reputation management into a single platform, like Shopper Approved, can streamline your efforts and provide peace of mind.

Remember, investing in the right reputation management company is not just about addressing current issues but also about proactively shaping a positive image for your business’s future.

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