Tools for Getting Reviews from your eCommerce Business Customers

Looking for the best tools to gather reviews from your eCommerce customers? You’re in the right place. Effective tools are essential for maximizing customer feedback and enhancing your online presence.

Many eCommerce companies have successfully used platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Shopper Approved to boost visibility and trust. With over 300 companies already benefiting from Shopper Approved, it’s a proven solution for collecting and showcasing customer reviews.

Why should eCommerce businesses focus on reviews?

If you browse platforms like eBay and Amazon, you’ll notice they’re heavily invested in reviews. Every product features a section where customers can read feedback from previous buyers, often accompanied by a 5-star rating system. But why do these companies emphasize reviews?

Amazon, eBay, and other eCommerce businesses don’t feature reviews just for show. Online reviews serve a critical purpose. Consumers today place significant trust in these reviews, which have essentially become the modern equivalent of word-of-mouth recommendations. Still skeptical? Consider the following facts:

  • Over 90% of people read online reviews before purchasing anything.
    Online reviews have become a crucial part of the buying process. Despite being written by strangers, nearly 80% of consumers trust these reviews, relying on them as much as personal recommendations.
  • Over 40% of shoppers read reviews directly on your eCommerce site.
    Reviews on your website not only build trust but also contribute to Store and Product ratings, which are vital if you run Google Ads or have listings on Google Shopping. To ensure your reviews are reflected in Google, use a Google-approved aggregator.
  • Store Ratings in Google Ads can boost your CTR improvement by as much as 17%.
    Displaying Store Ratings in Google Ads helps keep your business competitive. These ratings, derived from online reviews, are essential for maintaining visibility and attracting more customers.
  • Around 20% of customers consult Yelp and Facebook for reviews.
    Yelp and Facebook are key platforms for gathering online reviews. These reviews are influential and play a significant role in shaping consumer decisions for eCommerce businesses.
  • One negative review isn’t the end of the world.
    Most consumers don’t base their decisions on a single review. In fact, they typically consult at least four reviews before making a purchase, so it’s essential to accumulate as many reviews as possible.
  • About 40% of customers now leave reviews after a purchase.
    This growing trend simplifies the process for eCommerce businesses to gather feedback, making it easier than ever to build a strong collection of reviews.

Top Tools for Collecting Reviews from Your eCommerce Customers

As highlighted, online reviews are vital, especially for eCommerce businesses. If you own an eCommerce business, it’s essential to have systems in place to gather as many customer reviews as possible. But how do you achieve this? The following tools will help you effectively collect reviews from your customers:

1. Sign up for an Online Reviews Aggregator

​Product and Store Ratings are based on online reviews

The first step in getting reviews from your eCommerce customers is to ensure you’re using the right tools. While there are various methods to gather online reviews—like installing a plugin on Shopify or WooCommerce—many of these plugins have a significant limitation: they don’t syndicate your reviews to Google for Seller and Product ratings.

To fully leverage online reviews, it’s crucial to sign up with a Google Approved aggregator. Currently, Google has 29 ​companies that it has approved to syndicate data for ​Store Ratings. While many of these companies operate in foreign languages, there are several available in English, including the following:

  • Shopper Approved
  • Trustpilot
  • eKomi
  • ReStore Ratings
  • Yotpo
  • Trusted Shops
  • Verified Reviews
  • Feefo
  • PowerReviews

We recommend Shopper Approved

Shopper Approved is one of the best tools for gathering online reviews for eCommerce

Here’s an important note: while you should be aware that affiliates like Shopper Approved compensate for sign-ups through referral links, this recommendation is based on proven results. Over the years, more than 300 businesses have been referred to Shopper Approved, with many expressing their satisfaction and gratitude for the benefits they’ve gained. While affiliations exist with other companies on the shortlist, Shopper Approved remains the top recommendation.

What Do Online Review Syndicators Do?

You might be wondering why signing up with services like Shopper Approved, Trustpilot, or others on the list is necessary. Why not just rely on free platforms like Yelp and Facebook, where you can claim your page at no cost? While those platforms have their place, eCommerce businesses can greatly benefit from using online review syndicators like Shopper Approved. Here’s how these services work:

  • Subscription Model: Once you sign up with a company like Shopper Approved or Trustpilot, you’ll begin paying a monthly subscription, which can also be paid annually.
  • Seamless Integration: These companies will install software on your site, making the process straightforward.
  • Automated Review Prompts: After integration, whenever a customer completes a purchase, a prompt appears on their screen asking them to leave a review. This makes it easy for customers to provide feedback without any additional steps.
  • Automated Outreach: Online review syndicators automate the process of requesting reviews from your customers. They automatically send emails or SMS messages, prompting your customers to review the products they’ve purchased.
  • Comprehensive Tools: You’ll gain access to a wide range of tools for collecting reviews both online and offline. This can include apps, SMS tools, and other methods to gather valuable customer feedback.
  • Review Syndication: All collected reviews are syndicated across various platforms, including Google, which is crucial for establishing Product and Store Ratings. Additionally, these reviews are shared on social media, leveraging the power of platforms like Facebook in today’s digital landscape.

What Do Review Syndicators Charge?

Review syndicators like Shopper Approved are essential for your business, but what can you expect to pay for their services? Pricing in this industry can vary significantly, with Shopper Approved often being one of the more affordable options.

Many companies in this sector no longer list their pricing details on their websites, so you’ll need to contact them directly for a quote. However, based on experience, you can generally expect Shopper Approved to charge around $200 per month.

2. Trustpilot

Trustpilot is another highly recommended platform for managing online reviews, alongside Shopper Approved. Both platforms offer similar functionality, automating the collection and syndication of reviews to Google, which contributes to Store and Product Ratings.

The key benefit of using Trustpilot is the automation of the entire review process, from collection to syndication. This means you don’t have to worry about managing reviews yourself—everything is handled for you. Trustpilot is widely recognized and trusted, making it a popular choice for businesses. You can explore its features using the provided link.

3. Google Customer Reviews

If you prefer not to pay for review syndication, Google Customer Reviews is a viable alternative. However, it’s important to note that this option might not be completely free in the long run. While Google Customer Reviews doesn’t charge for the service itself, you may incur costs for integrating the service onto your site and maintaining it over time. If you’re a developer, you could handle the integration yourself, but otherwise, hiring a professional might be necessary.

How Does Google Customer Reviews Work?

Once integrated, Google Customer Reviews presents your customers with an opt-in form after they complete a purchase. If they choose to participate, they will be invited to take part in a survey. The feedback collected through this process is then used by Google to generate Store Ratings, contributing to your online credibility.

4. Gather Reviews using your Facebook Page

You can use your Facebook Page to gather reviews from your customers

It’s important to recognize that many of your eCommerce business’s reviews may be found outside of your own website. A key tool for gathering these external reviews is Facebook, which every eCommerce business should utilize.

If you haven’t already, it’s essential to create a Facebook Page for your business. The best part? Facebook Pages are completely free, so there’s no reason not to set one up.

Facebook has become increasingly important in the realm of online reviews. With over 1.7 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a massive platform where many of your customers are likely to be found. Having a presence on Facebook allows you to collect reviews directly from your customers, making it easier for potential buyers to see what others are saying about your business when they search for you on the platform.

For businesses that don’t have a high volume of sales, manually asking customers for reviews can be an effective strategy. While this approach doesn’t rely on automated tools, it’s particularly useful if you sell only a few high-value products each day.

You can personally reach out to customers, perhaps by phone, to request feedback. Encourage them to leave reviews on platforms like Yelp, TripAdvisor (for those in the travel industry), and other relevant sites. This direct approach can yield positive results and help build your online reputation.

5. Request Reviews Directly from Your Customers

When it comes to gathering reviews, manually asking your customers can be an effective approach, particularly if you don’t have a high volume of sales. This method involves directly reaching out to customers without relying on automated tools.

If you sell a limited number of high-value products each day, consider personally contacting your customers to request their feedback. This can be done through phone calls, encouraging them to leave reviews on platforms such as Yelp, TripAdvisor (especially if you’re in the travel industry), and other relevant review sites. This personalized approach can be very successful in obtaining valuable customer reviews.

6. Request Reviews via Email

Although it might seem like a basic strategy, sending review requests via email remains a powerful tool for gathering feedback. After a purchase is completed, send a follow-up email thanking the customer for their business. In this message, kindly ask them to provide a review on platforms such as Yelp, Facebook, or directly on your site. The goal is to reach out to as many platforms as possible to increase the visibility and impact of your reviews.

7. Claim Your Yelp Page

It’s important to recognize that online reviews extend beyond just your own website. There are numerous platforms where your business can be reviewed, and Yelp is a significant one, holding about 20% of the online reviews market.

Claiming your Yelp Page is a crucial step, and fortunately, it’s free of charge. This makes it accessible even for small businesses. While Yelp does offer paid advertising options to boost your visibility, claiming and managing your page does not require any financial investment.

Why is Yelp Important?

A single star decrease in your Yelp rating can result in a 5-9% drop in revenue, highlighting the substantial impact online reviews can have on your business. Reviews on Yelp are not just a formality—they significantly affect your business’s financial performance.

8. Incentivize Reviews on Your Site

To effectively gather reviews for your eCommerce business, consider offering incentives to encourage customers to provide feedback.

It’s true that many people are reluctant to leave reviews without a motivation. To address this, offering something in return for their feedback can be highly effective. For instance, you might provide a 10% discount on their next purchase in exchange for a review on your site.

While this could be viewed as a bribe, think of it as a smart incentive. Not only does it encourage customers to leave a review, but it also provides an additional reason for them to return to your site for future purchases. This approach keeps your business at the forefront of their minds, fostering repeat business and enhancing customer loyalty.

9. Encourage Social Media Check-Ins

Another effective strategy for generating reviews is to encourage customers to check in on their social media platforms while they’re at your establishment. Offering incentives like free WiFi can be a great motivator. This tactic is commonly used by restaurants and hotels to boost their visibility.

When customers check in at your location, their posts appear on their social media profiles, often remaining visible for an extended period. This not only serves as a form of marketing for your business but also provides ongoing exposure as their check-ins are accessible to their network of friends and followers.


In this guide, you’ve learned about 9 essential tools for gathering reviews from your eCommerce customers. While there are many more options available, the tools discussed are particularly valuable for enhancing your online presence.

Consider using an online review syndicator like Shopper Approved to help achieve Product and Store Ratings in Google Ads. Additionally, utilizing email requests for reviews can be highly effective. If you need further assistance or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. Planet Marketing is here to help you take your eCommerce business to the next level!

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