Marketing for real estate companies- It’s all happening online

Marketing is now largely online

Those in real Estate will attest to the somewhat unique set of challenges that they face when trying to generate new business. With such high value transactions at stake, how do you even start to make your pitch? What tools are best suited for the peculiarities that exist within the industry? And, how are you going to deploy them in today’s world? In any case, here are a few tips on marketing for real estate companies;

Marketing for Real Estate Companies: It’s all happening online

One of the things that you will discover is that Marketing for Real Estate companies, as we mention in the discussion below, has largely moved online. That is why most of the tips that we give here are inclined towards that angle. The aim for any Real Estate agency should, first and foremost, be on having an online presence. Then, you should look at the ways through which you can increase your Search Engine visibility. You also want to build your online credibility because no one is going to do business with a company whose site looks less than professional.

Have a well maintained website

You will be surprised at the number of businesses out there that, in this day and age, still do not have an online presence. The internet has, over the past decade or so, brought about a wide range of far reaching changes to the ways in which people across the globe interact with one another. This applies on both the social and business arenas.

Today’s average individual spends up to 25 hours a week online. What this means in business terms is that this arena has become the place to be for those who are looking to generate new leads for their firms.

Every real estate company that wishes to effectively sell itself in the 21st Century should, therefore, have a website or blog. There is really no excuse for not doing so. It takes such little effort to come up with a basic website that you can have yours up and running in a matter of minutes.

An effective real estate agency’s website will be a bit above basic, but you get the idea. Having a vibrant website and blog allows you to reach out to the ever growing community of internet users. It also boosts your credibility among your potential customers, by allowing them to verify listings that they may have come across on your other advertising channels.

Let’s assume that you have been sending out brochures to people. There is only so much information that you can include in these and other Direct Mail tools. That is why you should direct people towards your website, where you have the freedom to give out as much information as you deem necessary.

  1. Target Long Tail Keywords

Keywords, in Search Engine Optimization, are the terms and phrases that people use when making online queries about a particular product or service.  Long tail keywords are something that you are going to hear about a lot should you ever roam around the world of Digital Marketing. A long tail keyword is one that is very specific to your particular business.

Let’s assume that you are a Real Estate company that operates in the town of Bonita in California. What will people who are looking to buy houses in your area type into Search Engines?

One of your Long Tail Keywords will likely be “Bonita Real Estate Agencies”. This is one of the keywords that you should, therefore, optimize for on your website. Most Estate Agencies that are out there make the mistake of optimizing for keywords that are general in nature. This sets you up for Search Engine competition from the rest of the world which can remove your website from the place that matters the most; the first page on search results.

The importance of Search Engine Optimization and targeting the right keywords can, therefore, never be overstated. Not only is it your job as a Marketing executive to make sure that the Real Estate company that you are working for is ranked high on Search Engines, but it is also imperative that you get ranked for the correct kinds of words.

  1. Have a Credible Online Presence

Okay, we have, perhaps, already said enough about the importance of having an online presence to Real Estate Marketing. Most companies, however, make the cardinal sin of not making their presence credible enough. It doesn’t matter whether or not your web page appears on the first page of Search Result; you are not going to generate many leads if it does not have the kind of professional look that’s needed to inspire confidence in people. Ask yourself, would you trust your money in the hands of a company whose copy is full of basic errors.

How to Increase your Credibility

There are a number of things that you can do to boost your company’s credibility;

  • Make sure that, as we have mentioned, the copy on your website has been properly edited
  • Have a professional looking website
  • Keep your listings up to date.
  • Have testimonials from previous buyers on your site. People generally like to tread where others have trodden before. This is particularly the case for the real estate industry where word of mouth plays such a central role in generating business.

  1. Get a Listing on Yelp and other relevant review sites

The importance of the point that we have just mentioned can never be overemphasized. Word of mouth plays a central role in driving business across the world. That is particularly the case for those in the Real Estate industry.

Today’s word of mouth takes place on website such as Yelp and other online review sites. This is where people now go whenever they wish to gauge others’ experiences with regards to  certain products or services.

  1. Have a Social Media Presence

Part of having an online presence involves creating and maintaining a vibrant Social Media presence. The importance of having pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other Social Media platforms should be obvious enough in today’s world.

Remember we mentioned that people are now spending inordinate amounts of time glued to the internet? Well, much of that is spent on the above mentioned and other Social Media platforms. Any real Estate company that wishes to effectively market itself should, therefore, have a vibrant presence on Social Media.

Instagram Marketing

Instagram, the photo sharing company that is owned by Facebook, is particularly suited for real Estate Marketing. Businesses have been finding, over the past few years, that Instagram has higher than average engagement and conversion rates. What better way of selling yourself than by building a band of loyal followers and sharing with them all your newest listings?

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