How to Make Money from Your Blog?

You don’t have to wait to generate revenue from your blog. You can monetize your blog right now. Depending on your current traffic, you have several options. But understand that making money from your blog necessitates honest effort and takes a long time. First, you need to create exceptional content. Then, you have to check an assortment of methods, evaluate, readjust, cut down some methods, and add others.

You must be web-savvy and exploit the available multiple streams of revenue. Only then you can maximize your revenue. Detailed here are 5 most effective methods of monetizing your blog.

  1. PPC Ad Networks

PPC ads, labeled Pay per click ads, are ads you can place using a code to deliver highly targeted ads to your website visitors. Each time a visitor clicks on a PPC ad in your blog, you earn some amount. Google AdSense is unquestionably the most acclaimed program offering PPC ads. Sometimes, these ads may not be relevant to your readers, or they may not be a good fit to them. Nevertheless, PPC ads are an extremely low-maintenance method of monetizing your blog. Eventually, they may become decent earners. Alternatives of Google AdSense include:

  • Adversal
  • Chitika
  • WordAds
  • Revenue Hits
  • net
  • BlogAds
  • Text Link Ads
  • BuySellAds
  • Infolinks

PPC ads are displayed in the header, footer, or sidebar. They are also displayed anywhere in your blog post. Ads are automatically generated in the size, amount, and placement you specify. The ads match the topics of your blogs. High traffic blogs complement PPC because more people see them. You are guaranteed enough clicks and real revenue.

  1. Product-Specific Affiliate Programs

This is another realistic and simple method of monetizing your blog. You link products and services via your blog. Most enterprises selling services, physical goods, and digital products offer affiliate programs. Just list out the software, services, and products you use regularly. Research these enterprises to check if they offer an affiliate program. Alternatively, use affiliate networks to link to affiliate programs of numerous enterprises and benefit from combined payouts.

Promote enterprises that actually add value to your readers. You get paid each time a reader makes a purchase after clicking your link. The top affiliate programs you can apply for include:

  • Rakuten LinkShare
  • ClickBank
  • ShareASale
  • Commission Junction
  • eBay Partner Network
  • CJ Affiliate
  1. Affiliate/Associate Hybrid Programs

Compared to product-specific affiliate programs, hybrids deliver different earning potential. You get a small commission of any product/service the individual (who came via a link on your blog) purchases. For instance, if a reader clicks on one of your affiliate links for an eBook, but goes to the site and buys a digital camera instead, you still make a commission. Or, if the reader buys the eBook and also a DVD player, you earn a combined commission on both items. The top affiliate/associate hybrid programs you can apply for include:

  • Barnes & Noble Affiliate Program
  • Amazon Associates Program
  • Sears Affiliate Program
  • Target Affiliate Program
  • Best Buy Affiliate Program
  • Walmart Affiliate Program

Strive to add value for your readers. Find the most appropriate links to products/services you would purchase from these enterprises. Here, you can’t go wrong by being genuine. When linking to affiliates, you must be honest and content rich.

  1. Sell Your Own Services

This is the finest method of monetizing your blog. You earn money and establish your reputation and authority in your chosen niche. You can offer services such as:

  • Online workshops and seminars
  • Coaching/mentoring/consulting
  • Recipe creation (food bloggers)
  • Speaking engagements
  • online webinars

Advertise your services from literally anywhere—web pages, header, footer, social media accounts, sidebar, or anywhere else.

  1. Sell Your Own Digital & Physical Products

Develop digital products from your blog. It’s unmistakably the finest method of earning rewarding, hassle-free money. Remember, you need to develop a digital product just once. Then, if it’s evergreen, you sell it into infinity. Some evergreen digital products include:

  • e-courses
  • eBooks
  • guides/downloads
  • email courses/challenges
  • pre-made templates, patterns, and designs
  • software
  • other electronically deliverable products

Advertise your digital products via PDFs, other products, footer, header, social media accounts, and more.

The term “physical products” explains itself. They include:

  • handmade goods
  • physical books
  • gift baskets and items
  • prints
  • custom clothing

Create an online “shop” or “store” page. Incorporate the pictures of your products in the “storefront.” Add links in your posts, social media accounts, footer, sidebar, header, and everywhere else it’s feasible. The choice depends on you because the products belong to you. Regardless of your traffic level, you can try this method to spread the word.


You’ll possibly not make a six-figure income with a blog. At least, not right away! That’s why I emphasize having in place multiple methods of generating revenue. Since things are pretty dynamic online and tend to change swiftly, you need to be web-savvy. You need to latch on to the best method of monetizing your blog without delay.

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