How to Choose a PPC Company

Tips on Choosing the Best PPC Company

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is, without doubt, one of the best ways through which you can reach out to potential customers across the World Wide Web. Most businesses make the mistake of setting up their websites and waiting for organic traffic begin to bring in results. However, this is hardly practical. For one thing, it takes so much time for a website to start generating meaningful amounts of organic traffic that relying on that alone would almost always be doomed to fail.

Paid Search

Paid Search is what you need in order to bridge that gap between setting up your business’ website and having sustainable organic traffic. Talk of PPC advertising would be incomplete without mention of Google AdWords. We have previously written several articles on AdWords, including one in which we put it head to head with Facebook advertising. This article looks at some of the things that you need to take into consideration when choosing a PPC Company.

How to Choose a PPC Company

Although it is possible for you to run your own PPC marketing campaign for your business, that is hardly practical. There are so many things that are involved in setting up, running and monitoring a PPC ad campaign that it is better for businesses to assign the tasks to specialized PPC agencies. In any case, here are some of the things that you need to take into considering when choosing a PPC company for your business;

  1. Come up with a shortlist

The first thing that you need to do when choosing a PPC company for your business is come up with a shortlist of all the potential candidates. There are literally thousands of Pay Per Click agencies floating around the World Wide Web, and all that you need to do is find the right one. Unfortunately, this can be a bit difficult.

We have already alluded to the fact that your first consideration with regards to Paid Search lies in determining whether or not you will run your own campaign. Having come to the conclusion that you will get better results by hiring a specialist PPC company, how do you determine the right candidate when there are so many of them out there. Just carry out a Google search and you will understand what we are talking about.

  1. Are the agencies on your shortlist Certified?

The next thing that you need to do is weed out unregistered PPC companies. Although some of them would probably be able to run an effective PPC campaign for your business, you do not want to gamble with your company’s fate by engaging the services of an unregistered company.

Both Google and Bing have programs that allow PPC companies to get registered. Honestly speaking, a company that has not taken the time to get certified is unlikely to be up to date with the goings on across the industry, and you want to give these a wide berth.

Certified Google Partners will show a Google Partner badge on their websites. Be on the lookout for these when choosing a PPC company.

  1. Determine how much each company charges for its services

Now that you have weeded out unregistered CPC companies from your shortlist, your next step on the path to finding the perfect paid search advertising company for your business involves finding out how much each of the agencies charge for its services.

This step is of importance, particularly if you are a small business that is just setting out to take over the world. Your resources may, at this point in time, still be rather limited, and you do not want to choose a company that charges way beyond your budget.

The good news is that most of the PPC advertising companies that are out there actually carter for a wide range of budgets. It will, therefore, be quite easy for you to find the one that suits you the most.

  1. Carry out Research on the Remaining Companies

If, after the above steps, there is still more than one company in your shortlist, the next thing that you need to do is carry out research to find out what other businesses that have engaged these PPC companies have had to say.

The internet age has, it has to be said, made it easy for anyone to investigate brands. We mention in one of our articles on Marketing for Real Estates, that Yelp and other review sites have become the go to places for Word of Mouth style reviews. If the company has been around long enough, you will likely come across some review of its services on some forum. If you find nothing, then, that should raise a red flag.

We are not saying that there is anything wrong with hiring the services of a newly formed entity, but you need to be aware of the fact when doing so.

  1. What’s the nature of the contract that each PPC company offers?

This is another extremely important question that people neglect to ask until it is too late. The issue lies around whether or not you are willing to get tied to a long term contract. If that is not the case, then you should remove from your list any company whose terms and conditions keep you tied up for long.

PPC advertising is, after all, all about results. If a company is not able to deliver the amount of traffic that you are looking for, you should be able to leave and form a liaison with another company.  You should, preferably, go for a company that offers month to month tie-ups. This will enable you to leave without falling into a legal conundrum should you feel that your are being shortchanged.

  1. If your Chosen Company really a company?

The internet age has made it possible for just about anyone to slap together a brief, create a glossy website in a matter of minutes and claim to be a bona-fide PPC agency. That is why we have already stressed the importance of carrying out a thorough investigation before choosing a PPC agency.

What you do not want to do is end up hiring a one man company. Although this can advantageous if the person at the other end is only working on your account, what happens when the number of clients increases? Will he or she still have the time that is needed to run an effecting paid search campaign on your behalf?

  1. Go for it

By now, your shortlist ought to have been whittled down to a couple. The only thing that remains is for you to go for the company that best works for what you are looking for. Now all that you need to do is ask as many questions as possible before signing up. Get on the phone or email your chosen company before making the final commitment. Who know, you may even squeeze out a better deal for your business. Hope this write-up has shown you how to Choose a PPC Company.

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