Google Store Ratings to Boost Sales for Ecommerce Stores

As an online seller, you’re likely seeking ways to boost sales. You’ve probably heard that Google Store Ratings can significantly enhance eCommerce performance. At Planet Marketing, a Digital Marketing Agency specializing in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Remarketing, many eCommerce stores have seen great results with these ratings. This article will explore many important key areas.

What Are Google Store Ratings?

Google Store Ratings are a significant aspect of enhancing your eCommerce store’s performance. These ratings are the five-star reviews you might see displayed on certain Google Ads and Google Shopping listings. They provide valuable insights into customer satisfaction and appear prominently alongside ads.

Why Are Store Ratings Important?

Google Store Ratings are extremely valuable for several reasons. Google reports that businesses showcasing Store Ratings in their ads experience a click-through rate (CTR) increase of approximately 17%. This is a notable advantage for eCommerce businesses, where conversion rates tend to be relatively low, averaging around 2.8% of visitors.

The importance of Google Store Ratings for eCommerce stores includes:

  • Enhanced Ad Returns: Featuring Store Ratings in your ads helps you stand out from the competition, boosting the visibility of your ads. This increased visibility can lead to a potential 17% rise in your conversion rate.
  • Lower Cost Per Click (CPC): Displaying Store Ratings often results in a lower CPC, meaning you get more value for your advertising spend without paying more.
  • Reduced Cost Per Lead: By using Store Ratings, you can achieve the same or better results while spending less on acquiring sales. This helps in optimizing your advertising budget and improving overall cost-efficiency.

Online Reviews in General Are Important

Online reviews are crucial, and Google Store Ratings are a direct reflection of these reviews. The significance of online reviews in today’s business landscape cannot be overstated. Over 90% of consumers consult online reviews before making a purchase decision, and businesses with positive reviews can expect customers to spend 31% more.

How Do I Get Google Store Ratings?

Many businesses overlook the value of Google Store Ratings, yet these small stars on Google Ads hold considerable weight. Understanding how to obtain these ratings is essential. There are several methods to acquire Google Store Ratings for your ads:

  • Sign Up with a Google Approved Review Syndication Company: Partnering with companies like Shopper Approved can help you secure Google Store Ratings. This approach will be discussed further in the second part of this article.
  • Use Google Customer Reviews: Google Store Ratings are available at no cost through Google Customer Reviews. To implement this, you will need to integrate Google Customer Reviews into your site, which might require professional assistance. Once integrated, your customers will be prompted to complete a review form upon checkout. This feedback is then utilized by Google to generate Store Ratings.
  • Leverage Google Consumer Surveys: Another method to gather reviews is through Google Consumer Surveys. This can also contribute to accumulating valuable Store Ratings.

How to Use Google Store Ratings to Increase eCommerce Sales

So, there can be no doubting the importance of getting Google Store Ratings for eCommerce businesses. But how can these businesses get Store Ratings? What do you need to do as a business to start benefiting from Store Ratings?

Sign Up with a Company Like Shopper Approved

Your first step should be to sign up with a Google Approved review syndication company. To obtain Store Ratings for your eCommerce business, partnering with one of these approved companies is essential. Currently, there are 29 approved companies that can syndicate data to Google for Store Ratings.

While some of these companies are based in countries like Germany, which may not be relevant unless you are operating there, there are also English-speaking options available. Here are some of the companies offering Store Ratings services in English:

What Do These Companies Do?

You might be curious about how these companies manage to provide you with Google Store Ratings. Once you register with one of these approved review syndication companies, here’s what you can expect:

Integration of Software onto Your eCommerce Website

When you sign up with a review syndication company, they will integrate their software onto your eCommerce website. This software performs several key functions:

  • Displaying Product Reviews: It allows you to show product reviews directly on your website, enabling customers to leave feedback after purchasing products.
  • Syndicating Feedback to Google: The feedback collected through your site is then sent to Google, where it contributes to your Store Ratings.
  • Providing a Range of Feedback Collection Tools: Some review syndicators offer extensive tools for collecting feedback from customers. In addition to gathering reviews through your website, you can also collect feedback via email and SMS.

Automation of the Review Process

One of the major benefits of using Google-approved review syndicators is their ability to automate the review collection process. For example, when a customer checks out on your site, they automatically receive an email requesting a review. This automation is particularly advantageous if you manage a large volume of customers, as it saves you from the need to manually send individual review requests.

Which Company Do We Recommend for Google Store Ratings?

Earlier, a list of companies capable of providing Google Store Ratings for eCommerce stores was presented. But which of these companies stands out as the best choice? We have reviewed several of these companies, and below, we provide an evaluation of a few key options.

1. Shopper Approved

Among the various options, Shopper Approved is the company we most highly recommend for obtaining Store Ratings for eCommerce stores. Over the past few years, we have referred more than three hundred eCommerce businesses to Shopper Approved, so we are well-acquainted with their services. Shopper Approved offers the following benefits:

  • Store Ratings
  • Product Ratings
  • Video Reviews
  • Local Reviews

Shopper Approved Displays Reviews in the Places That Matter

One of the key reasons for recommending Shopper Approved for obtaining Store Ratings for eCommerce stores is its comprehensive coverage of important platforms. While Google is a major player, it’s not the only platform to consider. For an eCommerce business, it’s crucial to partner with a company that ensures your reviews are visible across various channels. Shopper Approved excels in this regard by displaying your ratings on the following platforms:

  • Google Search
  • Google Shopping
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • BBB (Better Business Bureau)
  • Bing
  • Google Ads
  • Yahoo


Shopper Approved has stopped displaying specific pricing information, which is a growing trend in the industry. If you need detailed pricing, you’ll need to contact them directly. However, based on our experience, Shopper Approved is generally one of the more affordable options for securing Google Store Ratings to enhance eCommerce sales. For small businesses, the typical cost is around $200 for Store Ratings.

2. Trustpilot

Trustpilot is another excellent choice for obtaining Store Ratings for your eCommerce store. This is a company frequently recommended for its effective review services. Trustpilot offers similar benefits to those provided by Shopper Approved. The company’s primary goal is to enhance brand trust and make that trust visible to a broader audience.

This visibility is crucial as it helps persuade potential customers that your eCommerce store is reliable and worth their business. Like Shopper Approved, Trustpilot enables you to display reviews directly on your own website, which is essential for building customer confidence and encouraging purchases.


The entry-level, “Standard,” plan from Trustpilot costs $199 per month. For that, you get the following:

  • You can customize your company profile page
  • You can send 500 automated emails per month
  • Showcase your star rating across 8 TrustBoxes
  • Get customer analysis and insight
  • Take advantage of Trustpilot support
  • Use review content in online & offline marketing, and social
  • Earn Google Store Ratings
  • Access add-on modules


We hope this guide has clarified how eCommerce stores can utilize Google Store Ratings to enhance sales. To summarize, Store Ratings use a five-star system and appear in Google Shopping and Google Ads. They serve as social proof, helping to establish your business as credible and trustworthy.

To obtain Store Ratings for your eCommerce business, you need to partner with one of the 29 Google-approved review syndication companies. Among these, Shopper Approved is a company we have worked with extensively and received positive feedback from those we referred. Another viable option is Trustpilot, which also offers robust review services.

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