Shopper Approved Pricing & Review. Gather Reviews Today!

Shopper Approved

Shopper Approved is a third-party review platform designed to collect and manage customer feedback. By integrating with Google, businesses can leverage its power to display star ratings and customer reviews directly on their Google listings. This feature helps build trust with potential customers, encourages repeat business, and can improve search engine rankings.

Who is Shopper Approved For?

Shopper Approved caters to companies of all sizes, from large enterprises to small businesses. Although it is widely used by service-based businesses, approximately 80% of its clients are eCommerce companies.

Many of its features are tailored specifically for eCommerce platforms, as we will discuss later. Nevertheless, Shopper Approved excels at gathering reviews for both service-based and eCommerce businesses.

Ecommerce CompaniesService-Based CompaniesNOT for Local Retail Companies
Shopify Plus
WordPress (WooCommerce)
or any other ecommerce platform.
CPAs & Accountants
Catering Companies
Real Estate Agents & Lenders
Insurance Brokers (Personal, Commercial, Medical)
Health & Wellness (Personal Trainers, Yoga, Chiropractors, Massage)
Marketing & Advertising Agencies
IT & Tech Support Services
Consulting Firms
Restaurants (both sit-down & fast food)
Auto Repair
Local Boutiques
Independent Grocers
Shopper Approved is for eCommerce & Service-Based Companies.

Shopper Approved Features

Google Store Ratings

Google Store Ratings (formerly Google Seller Ratings) are the star ratings that appear on your Google ads. These ratings are visible on CPC text ads and Google Shopping listings (the free version).

Shopper Approved is one of 29 third-party review partners for Google. Their role is to collect reviews for your website and syndicate them to Google Ads via an XML feed.

Google Product Ratings

Shopper Approved is not only a Google third-party review partner but also one of the approved review aggregators. As a review aggregator, Shopper Approved collects reviews for your products and syndicates them to Google Shopping.

Product Ratings are specifically designed for eCommerce companies, making your products’ pages more robust and trustworthy, similar to those on Amazon.

Product Reviews on Right-Hand-Side of
Product Reviews in Google Shopping Product Listing Ads (PLA)

Consider your shopping habits on sites like Amazon, eBay, or Etsy. You likely check the product reviews before making a purchase. Your customers do the same on your site.

Shopper Approved excels in this area by not only getting your star ratings on Google Shopping but also displaying your reviews directly on your product pages. Over time, as your products accumulate more reviews, they build trust and credibility with potential buyers. Style Reviews

AI Powered Q&A Feature

AI-Powered Q&A feature is an advanced tool that uses artificial intelligence to rank your product questions and answers at the top of organic search results, including the Featured Snippet position. It also displays these Q&A on your product pages.

Similar to Amazon, this feature allows customers to ask questions about your products directly on your website. This not only improves customer engagement but also boosts your SEO efforts by providing relevant, user-generated content.

Want an Amazon styled Q&A? Compare Shopper Approved and Amazon Q&A Side-by-Side

Social Evidence


Steaks show how many actions (purchases, registrations, downloads, etc.) were taken over any time frame you choose.


Evidence of sales, opt-ins, or subscriptions. You can even display the geo-location of the customer.

Visitor Count

This shows how many people are viewing a specific product on your website, in real-time. It creates reassurance and urgency.


Create special offers for promotions, discounts, or sales events. You can pretty much tell people whatever you want across your website.

Survey Destinations

Google uses over 200 ranking factors. To boost your Google Organic rankings, consider using Shopper Approved’s Survey Destinations feature. The Google Quality Evaluator Guidelines indicate that ratings and reviews play a significant role in their evaluation.

Without Survey Destinations

Company “A” Overall Ratings Without Shopper Approved’s Survey Destination Feature

With Survey Destinations

Company “B” Overall Ratings With Shopper Approved’s Survey Destination Feature

Video Reviews

Video Reviews by Shopper Approved are uploaded into your YouTube channel and often display directly on Google search. Shopper Approved will get your customers to take out their cell phones and record their reviews via video.

While Store Ratings and Product Ratings are solid features, video reviews are more powerful because they are more believable.

Video Reviews Hosted on Shopper Approved

Video Reviews on Google Search Results

See what Beddy’s video reviews look like in Shopper Approved

Shopper Approved Pricing

The prices listed here are higher than Planet Marketing’s standard rates. While we can’t reveal the specific discount available to our website visitors, we can assure you that the 30-day free trial offers excellent value for what you’ll be paying.

FeatureStarting PricingPlanet Marketing Built-in Pricing
BUNDLE Google Store Ratings, Google Product Ratings, Video Reviews$350WAY TOO LOW to Mention Publicly
Google Store Ratings$199Too Low to Mention Publicly
Google Product Ratings$199 Too Low to Mention Publicly
Q&AToo Low to Mention Publicly
Social EvidenceToo Low to Mention Publicly
Survey DestinationsAsk for this in your Planet Marketing Deal
Video ReviewsAsk for this in your Planet Marketing Deal
TrustGuard Website SecurityAsk for this in your Planet Marketing Deal

Shopper Approved Benefits

  • Boosts CTR: Using star ratings on Adwords, Bing Ads, and Yahoo can significantly increase your click-through rate. This is especially effective if your competitors aren’t utilizing star ratings.
  • Enhances Credibility: Displaying third-party reviews, such as those from Shopper Approved, can greatly enhance your credibility. Highlight these reviews on your site with a note that says, “These reviews come from a third party and are beyond our control.” This demonstrates that you are a trustworthy company that values customer feedback. We use Shopper Approved and BBB (Better Business Bureau) to build our credibility.
  • Identifies Communication Breakdowns: Soliciting feedback from your clients’ customers can reveal issues with communication. Often, customers share their concerns before leaving negative reviews, giving you a chance to address problems early. Even negative feedback can help identify and resolve communication breakdowns. A Shopper Approved subscription is valuable for gathering this kind of feedback, helping you understand both positive and negative customer experiences to improve your business.
  • Earn Credits by Referring: Refer a few people to the service and you can earn credits, potentially covering your costs. Make sure to sign up as an affiliate to receive these benefits.

Is Shopper Approved Legit?

Occasionally, we receive questions via live chat or phone asking, “Is Shopper Approved legit?” We’ve identified two main reasons behind this common query.

  1. The person has never heard of Shopper Approved
  2. The person suspects that Shopper Approved gathers fake reviews

It’s natural to be cautious about a company you’re unfamiliar with, including Shopper Approved. Worries about potential scams are understandable. To ease your concerns, here are a few well-known companies that use Shopper Approved. We’ve linked to their Shopper Approved Review Pages. Reviews with over 2 million reviews Reviews with over 2 million reviews
B&H Photo Video Reviews with over 750,000+ reviews
Planet Marketing Reviews with only 70 Reviews (🤣)

The second concern is about authenticity. Shopper Approved operates as a closed platform, allowing only verified customers to leave reviews. Unlike Yelp or Google Reviews, where anyone can post feedback regardless of their customer status, Shopper Approved ensures that all reviews come from genuine customers.

If those four companies (and yes, even Planet Marketing’s reviews 😂) haven’t convinced you, take a look at Google. Shopper Approved is an official Google-approved partner and is listed among their trusted third-party review partners.



If you’re undecided about Shopper Approved, take advantage of their FREE 30-day trial—no credit card required! Considering multiple features like Store Ratings and Product Ratings? You’ll receive a bundle pricing discount, just remember to ask the sales rep, “Does that include Planet Marketing’s Built-in Pricing?”

We focused on the high-impact features and didn’t delve into extras like badges, widgets, and Facebook integration.

Since 2014, Planet Marketing has proudly partnered with Shopper Approved, continuously directing businesses their way, particularly our clients who utilize Google Ads.

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