How to Get Google Customer Reviews

Are you interested in acquiring Google Customer Reviews? Are you uncertain about whether this will benefit your business? Would you like to feature Star Ratings in your Google Ads and Google Shopping listings? You’re in the right place for answers.

Today, you’ll receive insights on these topics. The information comes from Planet Marketing, a Digital Marketing company with expertise in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Remarketing.

With extensive experience advising numerous companies on setting up and optimizing Customer Reviews, WE will provide the guidance you need.

What is Google Customer Reviews?

Google Customer Reviews is a complimentary service that enables Google to collect reviews from individuals who have purchased products from your website. This service is specifically designed for eCommerce websites.

So, what does it imply

Here are a few key points derived from the definition of Google Customer Reviews:

  • There is no cost associated with Google Customer Reviews. This is advantageous, especially when compared to other third-party online review services that typically charge a monthly fee. Details on this will be explored further in the article.
  • An eCommerce website is required to utilize Google Customer Reviews.
  • Google Customer Reviews streamlines the process of gathering feedback from your customers.

How does it work?

How to Get Google Customer Reviews

Let’s assume you have successfully integrated Google Customer Reviews into your eCommerce site. When a customer makes a purchase, the page will automatically present the Google Customer Reviews opt-in prompt.

By choosing to participate, the customer will receive a questionnaire where they can rate their experience with your website.

The Google Customer Reviews Badge

A significant benefit of incorporating Google Customer Reviews on your website is the ability to showcase the Google Customer Reviews badge. This badge enhances your site’s credibility by indicating that your business is affiliated with Google. Additionally, the badge displays your overall star rating and can be featured on any page of your website.

Star Ratings and Google Customer Ratings

One of the key benefits of Google Customer Reviews is its ability to generate Star ratings for Google Ads and Google Shopping. This feature includes the five golden stars that may appear on some Google Ads and in Google Shopping listings. Star Ratings are categorized as follows:

  • Store Ratings: These ratings reflect the overall performance of your business. They represent the feedback your business has received from its customers and provide a snapshot of your overall service quality.
  • Product Ratings: Unlike Store Ratings, which cover the entire business, Product Ratings focus on individual products. For instance, this could apply to a specific model of smartphone featured in your product catalog.

How to Obtain Store and Product Ratings

In addition to Google Customer Reviews, Google has authorized 28 online review companies to syndicate data for Store Ratings. You can explore these companies by following the provided link.

Google has also licensed 23 companies to syndicate data for Product Ratings. It is worth noting that some companies appear on both lists. Therefore, if you are seeking both Product and Store Ratings, these are the companies you should consider.

How to Get Google Customer Reviews

Why Are Star Ratings Important?

Star ratings are an integral part of Google’s system designed to enhance the effectiveness of businesses that use CPC (cost-per-click) text ads. But how does this system work?

Star ratings not only enhance the visibility of your ads but also act as a trust signal, attracting potential customers to your business. When prospects see your rating, it indicates that others have already engaged with your business, which helps build credibility and assures them that you are not a fraudulent website designed to scam people out of their money.

From a business perspective, the primary goal is to increase sales. Star ratings are a powerful tool in achieving this objective. The visual appeal of the stars draws more attention, and when users click on them, they are directed to your reviews page where they can read more about your business.

Consider your own shopping habits—how often do you purchase products without reviews? Many people are cautious about such products. According to Google, businesses that feature star ratings in their CPC text ads can experience a click-through rate (CTR) boost of at least 17%. This significant increase should certainly motivate businesses to pursue and display Star Ratings.

Google Reviews vs. Google Customer Reviews

Before we dive in, it’s important to clarify a common misconception: this article isn’t about Google Reviews. Google Reviews are the ratings and feedback you find on Google Maps, typically associated with businesses that have signed up for Google Business Profile. These reviews serve a different purpose and function compared to what we’ll be discussing here.

How to Get Google Customer Reviews

You Get Google Reviews Through Google Business Profile

Getting Google Customer Reviews

In this guide, you’ll learn about the challenge of integrating Google Customer Reviews into your website. It’s not a straightforward process, so the technical details won’t be covered here. However, setting it up will likely require the assistance of an experienced programmer or web developer. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can follow the official instructions to get Google Customer Reviews up and running. Otherwise, you can get in touch with us, and we’ll be happy to help you make it happen.

The Pros and Cons of Google Customer Reviews

Google Customer Reviews can be a valuable tool, but it’s not without its drawbacks.

Not Really Free

While Google offers Google Customer Reviews at no cost, there’s a catch. Setting it up on your website isn’t easy and may require hiring a programmer or web developer, which can be expensive. The setup process can be quite challenging, even for those with technical expertise.

No One-Click Install

Google Customer Reviews lacks a simple one-click install feature. This means that integrating it into your website can be complicated and frustrating, especially if you don’t have technical expertise. The process can feel like a great idea poorly executed—if only it were easier to install, more businesses would likely adopt it.

No Dashboard

If you’re expecting a user-friendly dashboard with useful features for managing your Google Customer Reviews, you’ll be disappointed. The absence of a dashboard makes Google Customer Reviews less appealing compared to other options on the market.

No Dispute Resolution for Negative Reviews

Negative feedback is an inevitable part of online reviews. Unfortunately, Google Customer Reviews doesn’t allow you to dispute or challenge negative reviews. This is a significant downside, especially when compared to other online review platforms that offer dispute resolution features.

Not Popular with Big Companies

It seems that large companies like Sears or Overstock tend to avoid using Google Customer Reviews. If you owned an eCommerce site, you’d likely want more control over your reviews too. There’s also a rumor that Google Customer Reviews might be discontinued, though this is likely just speculation.

Google Customer Reviews Alternatives

Considering all the cons that bedevil Google Customer Reviews, it may be better for businesses to look for alternatives. That’s particularly the case for those that are looking for a more refined online reviews experience. The following are some of the alternatives to Google Customer Reviews that businesses around the world can use to achieve growth:

Recommended Review Platforms

Shopper Approved

This is the company most recommended for your business. As a reseller for Shopper Approved, you can get a discount by signing up using the provided link. Over the past few years, more than 300 companies have been referred to Shopper Approved through these recommendations. The best part? You’ll get a 30-day free trial when you sign up using my link.

How to Get Google Customer Reviews

Verified Reviews

Verified Reviews  is another great alternative to Google Customer Reviews for your business. With Verified Reviews, you’ll enjoy a 30-day trial without the need for a credit card or any other commitments. This platform also provides both Product and Store Ratings on CPC Text Ads and Google Shopping PLA Ads.

How to Get Google Customer Reviews

Verified Reviews is another good alternative for Google Customer Reviews


eKomi is another solid option, though it comes at a higher price point than Shopper Approved and Verified Reviews. However, it offers a more comprehensive service. Not only does eKomi help your customers leave reviews on your eCommerce website, but they also manage disputes and even respond to reviews. Consider eKomi as a fully managed feedback service.

Final Words

Enhancing your business’s online reputation through Google Customer Reviews is a smart move in today’s digital age. By following the strategies outlined above, you can effectively gather authentic feedback that not only boosts your credibility but also attracts more customers. Remember, consistent engagement and a customer-centric approach are key to building a strong foundation of positive reviews.

Start today, and watch your business thrive with the power of Google Customer Reviews.

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